Irish Council for Civil Liberties

Country: Ireland

The ICCL is Ireland’s independent human rights watchdog, and monitors, educates and campaigns in order to secure full enjoyment of human rights for everyone living in Ireland.

The ICCL was founded in 1976 by former president of Ireland Mary Robinson and a number of activists, lawyers and academics. For 40 years, the ICCL has worked to protect and promote human rights for everyone living in Ireland, and we have been a part of some of the biggest campaigns in Irish history, resulting in a more tolerant and equal Ireland. In 2015, we were a lead organization in the world’s first public referendum campaign for marraige equality for lesbian and gay couples, where we saw 62% of Irish voters vote yes for equality. Our work has also involved establishing an independent Garda Síochána (Irish Police Force) Ombudsman Commission and campaigning for the legalization of the right to divorce, more effective protection of children’s rights, the decriminalization of homosexuality and the introduction of enhanced equality legislation.